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LSAT Logical Reasoning Help Area

By sheer numbers, the most important section on the test

There are two scored sections of Logical Reasoning on each LSAT. Each section is composed of 24 to 26 questions, and you have exactly 35 minutes to complete each section. Thus, you have approximately 1 minute and 25 seconds to complete each question.

Overall Section Difficulty

Is each LSAT Logical Reasoning section equally difficult? Not always!

In this article, we're going to explain how the level of difficulty can vary in each section, and how that figures into the creation of an LSAT.

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Question-by-Question Difficulty

One question we are often asked concerns how the difficulty of LSAT Logical Reasoning questions changes as the section progresses.

In our courses and books we delve into this point in some detail, and here I'd like to give a brief overview of how difficulty changes throughout the section.

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Approaching a Logical Reasoning Section Strategically

There is a fundamental truth about test takers when it comes to the LSAT: everyone is different. That is, everyone who sits down with this exam will have unique strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and, ultimately, ways in which they can optimize their performance in every section. And while that certainly affects how it is that people prepare—where they should devote their time and effort when studying—it also dictates how test takers should behave during the actual test.

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What to trust and what to question

One of the most common questions asked by test takers when considering LSAT Logical Reasoning is "how do I know what information I can accept as fact, and what information I should be questioning or skeptical of?"

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Quantity Terminology

What is the exact meaning of the word "few"? It seems like an easy question, and (like many people), your answer is probably "three or more". Yet, from an LSAT perspective, is that definition correct? Actually, no.

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The Fundamentals: Prephrasing

If you've spent much time with Logical Reasoning on the LSAT, one thing you've no doubt recognized is that the answer choices, right and wrong, are masterfully crafted.

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Justify and Assumption Questions

Many students confuse Justify and Assumption questions, which is not news to those whose job is to confuse you (hint: they work in Newtown, PA). Consequently, you will often encounter Assumption decoys in Justify questions, and vice versa. The trick is to know what you are looking for. And what you are not.

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Flawed Reasoning in LSAT Logical Reasoning Questions

We have put together a series of articles that address a variety of the flaws that tend to appear with some frequency. These articles examine a number of common mistakes that authors on the test make, which should prove useful for both Flaw in the Reasoning questions (a type that accounts for about 15% of all LR questions), as well as other question types that require you to respond to argumentation.

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Correlations and Causal Reasoning on the LSAT

In statistics, "correlation" refers to a statistical relationship between two interdependent variables (e.g. height and weight, studying and grades, etc.). A correlation alone does not prove a causal relationship, but it can suggest that a causal relationship does, in fact, exist.

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When to Read the Question Stem

Many students ask the question, "When doing Logical Reasoning problems, should I read the question stem before reading the stimulus?" The answer is an emphatic "No." However, we would like to take a moment to explain the reasoning behind this recommendation:

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Conditional Reasoning: Multiple Sufficient and Necessary Conditions

To best understand this section you should be familiar with basic conditional reasoning. Many questions on the LSAT rely on the use of sufficient and necessary conditions, and a solid knowledge of this form of reasoning is essential to a strong test performance. This writeup is taken from the Lesson Two Homework of our full-length course, and our course homework assignments contain a number of writeups similar to this one.

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The Limitations of Venn Diagramming

While preparing for the LSAT, students will undoubtedly encounter a wide variety of suggested test taking strategies. Unfortunately, one of the more commonly advocated approaches, particularly with regards to the Logical Reasoning sections, is the use of Venn diagrams.

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LSAT Vocabulary?

Although the LSAT is not a direct test of your vocabulary, many LSAT questions hinge on your knowledge of certain words or phrases. In some cases, terms are defined in a way that differs from the way we normally define those terms in the real world.

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Learn more about approaching the Logical Reasoning section


Advanced Logical Reasoning

Completely master the LSAT Logical Reasoning sections with PowerScore's Advanced Logical Reasoning Course! The course provides detailed discussions on the importance of language, argumentation, question stems, prephrasing, specific reasoning and question types, along with a thorough discussion about timing and strategy.

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Logic Games Section
Logical Reasoning Section
Reading Comprehension Section