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I had seen The PowerScore Logic Games Bible mentioned on several law student internet bulletin boards as being the absolute best resource for studying LSAT logic games. Knowing absolutely nothing about PowerScore, I ordered the book. I must say it was absolutely as good as advertised. It is an essential resource for anyone attempting serious preparation for the LSAT. It is simply that good.
Donald Hightower
This book dramatically improved my LSAT score. I tried other LSAT prep books before I found The Logic Games Bible, and none of them were anywhere near as helpful or comprehensive. This book not only improved my logic games ability, but boosted my confidence for taking the exam. If logic games are a problem area for you, this book is a sound investment.
Linda C. Bailey
I have found both the PowerScore's Logic Games Bible and The Ultimate Setups Guide to be a valuable source in understanding the logic portions of the LSAT exam. I think that I will have an extreme advantage over those test takers who have not utilized PowerScore's products and services.
Debi Retzloff
There's no possible way I could have prepared as well for the logic games without this book.
Andrew Fossum
After studying the Logic Games Bible, I went from scoring 50-60% on the games section to getting 80-90% of the questions correct. This book gave me the confidence to score at my full potential.
Andrea Walker
My goal is to get a perfect score on the LSAT and I've been studying extensively with that goal in mind. I was able to crack Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension in that I could consistently complete sections without missing a question. I couldn't do that with the Logic Games section until this book. It was exactly what I needed to completely understand and master the Logic Games section. I highly recommend it.
F. J.
Dear PowerScore, I have not seen one LSAT preparation tool which comes close to being as valuable as the Logic Games Bible. I raised my score by 12 points. Yes, 12 points! I attribute a good portion of that to the material covered in the Logic Games Bible. Your book helped me become competitive for the schools I've always wanted to attend. I would recommend it to ANYONE who is even thinking about taking the LSAT.
Aaron Murphy
It all just 'clicked' after completing the Logic Games Bible. I felt seriously discouraged by the test until I finished the LGB, and then it was all upwards from there. Thanks, PowerScore!
Mike - Georgetown University
The Logic Games Bible was the single most effective tool I used to study for the games section. Everything was presented in a systematic way, which in turn helped me to think and perform in a systematic way during the actual exam. I highly recommend this book to all my friends taking the LSAT.
Prem Amarnani
The PowerScore Logic Games Bible taught me an entirely new approach to the games section of the LSAT--an approach that enabled me to complete the games section more quickly, efficiently, and accurately. Buy this book and use it over and over until it disintegrates in your hands--you will be so thankful you did!
Peter Whelan
The PowerScore Logic Games Bible has proved invaluable in preparing for the LSAT. It has made the difference. Before studying this book I was barely able to finish one game in the allotted time. I am now able to complete 2.5 games consistently. I expect with continued practice to succeed well in this section of the LSAT test I'll soon be taking. I definitely recommend this book as an absolute must for anyone preparing for these exams. In addition your staff is a pleasure to deal with and your service is timely.
Paula Walker
I stumbled across this book while searching online for tools to help with studying for the LSAT. It is without a doubt the best book I've looked through and used while studying. The chapters were very easy to understand, and the lengthy explanations of correct and incorrect answers were very helpful. Even with the explanations, I could not understand the rationale described for one answer, so I took a chance and emailed PowerSource. I was amazed to receive a detailed reply in less than 24 hours that cleared up my confusion. I was so impressed with the teaching method in the book and with the improvement that I could see in my performance that I decided to take the weekend LSAT class, which was well worth the money and time invested...All in all, an excellent investment and an easy to understand method of learning that I know has helped me survive the LSAT.
Deborah Danton