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Air Date
Length 01:29:09

LSAT Podcast Episode 28: September 2019 LSAT Review and Scale Prediction

Episode 28 features a detailed review of the September 2019 LSAT, the first all-digital test ever administered! Jon and Dave discuss the ups and downs of the digital rollout, then cover the test section by section examining the scored content, overall student impressions, and their official curve prediction. They also offer thoughts on what this test means for the rest of 2019 and beyond, so whether you're curious about the September test you just took, or want a preview of what's to come, this is for you!

Episode Timestamps:

0:00 — Intro. This week we're drinking coffee (because Dave was out late partying) and Irish coffee (because Jon was up late answering questions). Musically, we've chosen Prince's sublime Computer Blue in homage to the first all-digital LSAT in North America.  

3:06 — Let's talk about digital delivery issues, including centers where tablets never arrived, delayed checkins, cancelled tests, tablets freezing or dying, proctor pauses, and fire alarms. Also, there are tips on how to prepare for possible delays or proctor inconsistency, and a discussion of what to do and not do if you encounter a problem (ask proctors to create a formal record, DON'T walk out and instead learn from the experience).

25:04 — Overall test info and general impressions. This exam was a reuse of September Sabbath 2018 LSAT, which wasn't that long ago! Is LSAC running low on tests, and does this explain the retake limit? Yes and yes are your answers there. The exam had 101 questions, and they returned to normal section variation for the Experimental, as predicted previously.

37:16 — Logic Games. This was reported to be one of the hardest LG sections in years, and made some people wish they'd never taken this test. But was it as bad as people said?

49:16 — Reading Comprehension. Given the difficulty of the LG section, most test takers were relieved to find this section much more manageable. Overall, a fairly nice section!

1:01:30 — Logical Reasoning. This is 50% of the test, so you want things to go smoothly. By all reports, this was exactly what the doctor ordered after that brutal LG.

1:06:54 — Preliminary Scale Prediction of -12. What this means, why we picked it, and why we are debating taking our official prediction to -11 (and boy are we debating it). And don't forget that the official Score Release is set for Monday October 14th at 9am.

1:19:02 — Keep your score vs cancelling, and how to decide what to do. Usually the advice is to keep, unless you know you got crushed or did worse than a score already on record.

1:26:40 — If you keep your score, don't forget to take your LSAT Writing at some point if you don't have one on file already. Listen to PodCast Episode 15 to learn everything you need to know!

1:27:44 — Outro. Be sure to subscribe, leave us a rating, and send us any questions or topics you'd like us to cover in a future episode: [email protected]. Thanks for listening!