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The PowerScore
LSAT PodCast

Jon and Dave are back with another student mailbag episode, which means you'll hear them tackle a whole host of commonly asked questions, from test diagramming advice to score fluctuations (and how to handle them). You'll also get their take on everything from accommodated testing to how to best use the full spectrum of PowerScore's publications.
Another test is in the books, and Dave and Jon are here to talk you through it! Tune in as Episode 32 breaks down the October 2019 LSAT, including the highs and lows of test day, a section by section look at the exam's content, and an official curve prediction. They also offer thoughts on what this test means for the upcoming November LSAT, and how to best prepare for the exams ahead!
The September 2019 LSAT Logic Games section was a killer for many test takers, but Jon and Dave are here to help! Tune in as they deconstruct the latest set of games and explain exactly how to tackle this test’s toughest content.
Episode 30 brings breaking news about the future of the LSAT's most notorious feature, Logic Games! Specifically, Dave and Jon decrypt a just-published press release co-signed by LSAC that raises speculation (to put it mildly) that within the next four years the test will no longer contain a Logic Games section. They cover possible interpretations of the article's wording, potential confirmation of the change from an inside source, and content that could theoretically replace Games if they are in fact removed.
In this fourth and final edition of their Flaw in the Reasoning coverage, Dave and Jon explore one of the LSAT's most nerve-wracking scenarios: correctly approaching Flaw questions where the error isn't common or clear. So how do you solve for flaws you can't identify? Tune in to find out!