Private tutoring is efficient and incredibly convenient. Working one-on-one means every second of your session is tailored to you and your needs, and you'll get the most personalized experience possible. Whether you're starting from scratch or have months of experience, your tutor can craft a customized plan to fit your unique circumstances, helping you reach your goals in the shortest time possible. And because sessions are designed with only you in mind, you're in control: meetings can be set for times that work best with your schedule and timeline. No other prep option provides this level of convenience.
Using PowerScore content and official LSAT questions, you and your tutor are able to examine any LSAT concept or question needed, all deconstructed via our proven techniques and strategies. And since our packages include extensive materials and access to our Online Student Centers, you'll have a wealth of resources and a custom study plan to keep you engaged and improving before, during, and after your sessions!
Absolutely! Many of our students will work with a tutor to focus on a specific concept or question type that is giving them trouble, and with that focused attention, they are able to achieve their goal score. Five points can make the difference between acceptance at a good law school and acceptance at a great law school (and a better starting salary after graduation). And how does an extra $35,000 in financial offers sound? It might seem like a lot of money now, but it will pay off in the end.